November 18, 2019
November 18, 2019

The Significance of a Gratitude List in the Modern Day


Ever wondered how a gratitude list could change your life for the better? Interested? Read on.

I think feeling grateful for the blessings you already have in your life helps you to love yourself and others freely and effortlessly. Whenever I feel bogged down with grief, I try to remember some of the things I am grateful for in my life, and eventually, I raise my spirits.

Is Life about Competing with Others?

When you compare your life with others, you may feel jealous, inferior or less than. Life is not about competing with others. Life is about competing with yourself to become a better and even better version of yourself. Discover your new and upgraded qualities and add them to your gratitude list.

Revise Your Gratitude List

Your gratitude list will grow as you revise it from time to time. It is a great way to start each day by writing down three things you are grateful for as a part of your morning ritual. If you start your morning right, you are apt to prepare yourself for a great day ahead.

Invest Yourself in Personal Development Books

These motivational books make you aware of how you can improve your life and take small steps in the direction of your goals. The more you achieve, the more uplifted you feel and the more you can expand your list of blessings in life.

Teach Your Family and the Neighborhood About Gratitude

You shouldn’t keep the knowledge of feeling grateful only to yourself. Rather, you should share it with family and neighbors who are going through difficult times so that they understand that feeling gratitude for the blessings they already have will ease up all tense situations. Ask them to maintain gratitude journals as well. Always remember sharing is caring.

Love and Gratitude Have the Same Frequency

If life has knocked you off harshly, and you are having difficulty loving yourself and others, try gratitude because ultimately gratitude and love have the same frequency according to research studies. Praying and letting the Universe know all the stuff you are grateful for in life raises your frequency, and you will find you can start loving yourself and others gradually once again.

Furthermore, with a raised frequency, you can attract all the stuff you want for yourself into your life effectively. You feel grateful for them once they are manifested, and you list them down in your gratitude journal for remembering them in your later confessions.

My Gratitude List

I do maintain a gratitude list. Dated December 1st, 2019, I have written and revised my gratitude list as follows:

  1. I am grateful for life.
  2. I have a working head, hands, and feet.
  3. I have eyes to see and ears to hear.
  4. My body is perfectly healthy.
  5. I have a Master of Science degree in Software Technology.
  6. I am grateful for writing both at and
  7. I love to grin, smile and laugh. Then I am free.
  8. I am grateful for gas, water, and electricity.
  9. I am grateful for the food in the refrigerator and trendy clothes in my wardrobe.
  10. I am grateful for my smartphone and laptop.
  11. I am grateful for all household amenities.
  12. I love the furniture in my room. I love my room.
  13. I choose to be present and relish every moment. After all, the now is all I will ever have to be happy and enjoy life.
  14. I am grateful to have a reliable chauffeur to take me to the city center where I love to shop and carry out my errands.
  15. I am grateful for the pin-drop silence around me and my peace of mind.
  16. I am grateful that I am still able to dream and hold a lovely vision for my future.

Yes, this is my gratitude list. Some of them may resonate with you while others will be quite different from your perspective. But you get the idea.


Love is the single most and strongest vibrational force on this earth. However, if you are having difficulty with love, I repeat, try gratitude and try listing it down in a journal. It is easier because the more blessings in your life you acknowledge and be grateful for, the more blessings flow into your life. This restores your love for yourself and others.

Maintaining a gratitude list is a simple worthwhile strategy and it always works.

Just forgetting this ritual won’t help you at all. Commit yourself to it daily. And you will begin to comprehend its significance in the modern day.

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