Beginning with his first novel in 1847, Anthony Trollope wrote at an incredible pace. Over the next 38 years, he published 47 novels, 18 works of non-fiction, 12 short stories, 2 plays, and an assortment of articles and letters.

Trollope achieved his incredible productivity by writing in 15-minute intervals for three hours per day.

His strategy is explained in Mason Currey’s book, Daily Rituals (audiobook):

“It had at this time become my custom,—and is still my custom, though of late I have become a little lenient of myself—to write with my watch before me, and to require of myself 250 words every quarter of an hour…

This division of time allowed me to produce over ten pages of an ordinary novel volume a day, and if kept up through ten months, would have given as its results three novels of three volumes each in the year…”

—Anthony Trollope

Trollope’s approach may seem simple on the surface, but there is more going on here than it may appear at first glance. 

Let’s break down why this strategy allowed the author to be so productive and how we can use it in our own lives.

Portrait of Anthony Trollope and his glorious beard. (Photographer: Napoleon Sarony)

If you want more practical ideas for breaking bad habits and creating good habits, check out my book Atomic Habits, which will show you how small changes in habits can lead to remarkable results.

The Problem With Big Projects

When it comes to getting things done, I have experienced the best results when I rank my priorities based on their true importance and do the most important thing first. Whenever possible, I believe this is the best strategy because it forces you to direct your energy to the tasks of highest value.

There is one common problem with this approach:

After ranking your priorities for the day, if the number one task is a really big project then it can leave you feeling frustrated because it takes a long time to finish.

For example, last week I was working on a project that took two days to complete. On Tuesday morning, when I began the task, I knew I wouldn’t be able to finish it that day. Even though I knew I would work all day without completing the task, I still found myself feeling frustrated by mid-afternoon. It was 4 p.m. and I had spent all day working on the most important task, yet the only thing I had to show for my work was an unfinished project. My to-do list was just as long as it was in the morning, even though I was spending my time in the correct way.

I was doing the right thing, but it can still be disheartening to be stuck on Task #1 when you’ve been working all day. These feelings of frustration are a possible downside of the prioritized to-do list.

Anthony Trollope, however, developed a solution to this common problem.

Tiny Milestones, More Momentum

Anthony Trollope was in the business of writing books and writing a book is a big project. It is not the type of task that you can complete in a day. In some cases, merely writing a chapter is too big a task for a single day.

However, instead of measuring his progress based on the completion of chapters or books, Trollope measured his progress in 15-minute increments. This approach allowed him to enjoy feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment very quickly while continuing to work on the large task of writing a book.

This is a big deal for two reasons:

  1. Small measures of progress help to maintain momentum over the long-run, which means you’re more likely to finish large tasks.
  2. The faster you complete a productive task, the more quickly your day develops an attitude of productivity and effectiveness

I have found this second point, the speed with which you complete your first task of the day, to be of particular importance for maintaining a high productive output day after day.

Speed to Completion

Anthony Trollope didn’t have to wait three months to feel a sense of accomplishment from completing his book nor did he have to wait three days until he finished a chapter. Every fifteen minutes he could check his progress. If he wrote 250 words, he could mentally check that time block off his list and feel a sense of immediate accomplishment.

Trollope’s 15-minute writing block was a well-designed progress meter that allowed Trollope to “get to finished” faster while still working on a big task. He received the long-term value of working on the most important things and the immediate payoff of finishing each little time block quickly.

You can employ a similar strategy for tasks besides writing, of course. For example, rather than measuring his progress on a bigger task like monthly revenue, Trent Dyrsmid tracked each sales call he made with a paper clip.

The basic idea is to design a way to get rapid feedback while working on bigger projects. The faster we get feedback that we are moving in the right direction, the more likely we are to continue moving that way.

Work for the long-term. Measure your progress for the short-term.

Most people aren’t getting enough sleep, plain and simple. But—and this is the important thing to realize—we don’t recognize that we are sleep deprived. In my article on the science of sleep and in my comprehensive sleep guide, I covered this problem, discussed how sleep works, and shared a variety of practical ways to improve the quality of your sleep. If you’re looking for a primer on how to sleep better, check out those two resources.

However, if you want to improve your sleep, there are actually some very simple and practical ways to go about it. I call these strategies the 3 Levers of Sleep.

Here’s how the 3 Levers of Sleep work…

The 3 Levers of Sleep

If you want to improve the quality of your sleep and boost your performance there are 3 levers you can “pull” to give yourself a boost.

  1. Intensity
  2. Timing
  3. Duration

Intensity refers to how well you sleep. As I described in detail in my sleep guide, there are different phases of sleep. Two of these phases are particularly important: Slow-wave sleep (also known as deep sleep) and REM sleep. The percentage of sleeping time you spend in these two phases largely determines the quality of your sleep each night. 

Timing refers to when you go to sleep. What time do you go to bed? This factor is important for two reasons. First, if you get in bed around the same time each night, it is easier for your body to develop good sleep habits. Second, the time you go to sleep should be in accordance with your circadian rhythm, which I also describe in detail in my previous science of sleep article.

Duration refers to how long you sleep. This one is simple: how much time do you spend sleeping each night? 6 hours? 8 hours? It can be easy to convince yourself that duration isn’t very important, but it is critical to your growth, performance, and recovery. Professional athletes often sleep over 10 hours per night. If you’re taxing your body and mind, then duration is crucial for you as well. (Read more about how much sleep you need here.) 

How to Sleep Better

How can you use these 3 levers to improve your sleep?

When it comes to intensity, the truth is that there isn’t much you can do. Your body largely manages the intensity of your sleep cycle (how much time you spend in slow wave sleep and REM sleep) for you. It adjusts automatically based on what you need and how much time you are spending asleep. Exercising consistently and getting proper nutrition will help, but these actions only indirectly improve sleep intensity. 

This is actually good news because it simplifies things for you. Because your body manages the quality of your sleep on its own, you only need to focus on two factors: timing (when you go to bed) and duration (how long you’re in bed).

If we make another assumption, then we can simplify the situation even further. That assumption is this: You wake up at approximately the same time each day.

If you wake up at about the same time each day, then your sleep duration is basically determined by when you go to bed. Generally speaking, if you get into bed earlier, then you’ll end up sleeping more. Improve the timing and you’ll improve the duration as well.

And that brings us to this practical punchline…

Master Your Power Down Routine

If you’re focused on how to sleep better, timing is perhaps the most important of the 3 levers of sleep. The intensity of your sleep is managed automatically by your body. The duration of your sleep is largely dependent on when you get into bed (assuming you wake up around the same time each morning). And that means getting to bed at an earlier, more consistent time is critical for improving the quality and duration of your sleep.

For more ideas on how to sleep better and optimize your pre-bedtime routine, read my Beginner’s Guide to Sleep.

Whats On In Ipswich & Things To Do In Ipswich thought idea innovation things to do in ipswich Creating Your Success: Stoking Your Creativity Self Improvement  Self Improvement

Whats On In Ipswich & Things To Do In Ipswich thought idea innovation things to do in ipswich Creating Your Success: Stoking Your Creativity Self Improvement Self Improvement

When I signed up for toastmaster’s, I brought all my passion and zeal to every speech. I was on fire. A year and a half later, my steam has been reduced to a mere trickle of conviction. I have trouble winning contests. I’ve embarrassed myself when I tried taking on the humor role. And my drive to help others build success has taken a long road trip.

When I was a child, one of my aunt’s called me stupid. “Stupid.” That word rang in my ears loud and clear. My high school report cards all included “underachieves” No matter what I did or what I tried, I could not win those gold ribbons given out every quarter to the best students. So I gave up trying.

So what can you do to fan the flames of your creativity when the well has run dry. Let’s take a look at several suggestions.

  1. Carry a notebook with you. Write down inspiring messages from sermons, from the radio, and from social media. Let those messages sear into your brain and produce sparks of creativity.
  2. Spend time reciting positive quotes from the Bible, from affirmation cards, or from the wisdom of your friends. I spend about thirty minutes a night exercise. I like to speak inspirational thoughts as I’m moving about.
  3. Test out your ideas with your friends. Had I run my toastmaster’s “joke” by a few friends, I would not have embarrassed myself today.
  4. Know from the deepest part of you being that we were all born to make a positive impact on the world. Claim that mission and exercise your creativity to the max. When you begin to run dry, proceed to fan those flames until they return brighter and more luminous than ever.
  5. Make a commitment to a higher power. Ask for help from God as you know him. He will always come through and pull you through the darkest times. We don’t know how brightly we can shine until the fire has dimmed a bit. This is a temporary state which. by definition, does not last forever. None of us are defined by our successes. Nor are we diminished by our “failures.” Make the determination to climb that ladder of success by creating success embers. Push yourself past the can’t’s and move on to reach the stars. Stoke your creativity.

I’m Barbara Altman
Raised in an alcoholic home, I became depressed and riddled with anxiety at an early age. In an effort to build a good life. Over the years, I have dealt with depression in a variety of ways, from counseling to alternative and traditional healing modalities. One of the purposes in my life is to convey hope to those who have suffered from depression and I hope to do this in my writings and in speaking engagements.
Author of “Recovering From Depression, Anxiety, and Psychosis,” formerly called “Cry Depression,”…

Sometimes recurring dreams seen in the childhood get cemented in the memory never to go away. I cannot forget the outstanding Sea Beach House and its striking staircase that led to the second floor from the outside. A terrific memory of an awe-inspiring romance touches my soul and gets me carried away by a familial intense pleasure. Slowly, as I delve into the depths of memory a silhouetted male figure unravels. Gently as the colours of dark grey and black lift, I get a vivid splash of the dewy eyes in despair and emptiness. I drown in tears and wake up with an unknown pent of emotions, a heartache no one can fathom.

Feeling of helplessness surrounds me as I remember him in chaos, gloom and anguish. I could perceive he was all alone, it was getting cold and there was no one to hold. Though the feeling is intimate and existent I remember being just a spectator watching him. My mind suddenly goes racing, am I presently a different persona getting a glimpse of some past event? Though I don’t believe in past life experiences, yet I can’t deny the passionate love I can’t seem to forget. Is it the subconscious’ attempt to bring forth memories to communicate something that had been left unresolved? Is it the cry of a soul that my soul identifies?

I regret, why was he left to see darkness and rain, heartache and pain; nothing but only memories to restore? It hurts to say, harder to ponder how he reminds me of some glorious past while I am for him a sad story. I am falling apart as I see his soul in black abyss waiting for death’s blissful kiss. Was I reckless or did I have no control in life? A voice from my deep inside asks him, ‘Why did you trust life? Life is a fake dream while death is the reality. You trusted me and I broke you like crumbling up a precious piece of paper. Though time is passing by and instances in the memory are also fading away yet undeniably the freshness of your intense love retains its essence.

I know reminiscences don’t let you go either; you still burn & want to hold me once. As the dark defeated the light I could no longer be yours. My breath faded, my eyes closed, it was not in my control. Yes, his insatiable love still searches for me & touches my sub conscious level.

This article explains the harshness of sudden death. Death is a rude fact that everyone has to accept but it devastates those who are left. It portrays how personal grief is unique and shows when the mask falls off when all alone. Sometimes, time does not bring relief; mourning slowly pushes the other person into silence. Silence seeking death. Read this story which has an intense touch of romance & misery intricately entwined. The story is dark; it is up to you to find the light in it

Congrats! Welcome to a beautiful world of parenting. Being a new mommy is such an exciting phase! For new dads too, it is a mixed feeling of awe, responsibility and it is the most cherished moment. The new born twirls everyone around his/her little finger and is certainly a VIP here. A new mom is sure to be flustered with a new regime, diet and lots of do’s and don’ts from well-wishers. I would always say do what the doctor tells you. Life skills begin in a new way as you change a diaper, delicately avoid the fontanel and try to keep the baby warm and cosy. One tip is to learn how to massage the baby as this is the best form of bonding between the mother and child.

You must be sore and slightly uncomfortable. But we moms are blessed with a super strength almost like the wolverine to phase out stronger than before, each time we are bruised. In fact, the day will go in a blur, especially if you have lots of people visiting you. I would say despite all of it that is whizzing around you, make time to engage in a simple breathing exercise or even chants. Actually, do whatever is comfortable. This is a habit you can set for say about 10 minutes a day, so that from now on, as your child grows and however demanding the day gets, you have shelved 10 minutes of peaceful me-time. Focus on yourself too!

Are the clothes all about baggy pants, comfy T shirts and loose palazzos? Ah yes, that is quite an adjustment especially when you browse through your work clothes. Also have you looked into the new outfits designed especially for nursing moms? Albeit, please remember this is just a passing phase. You have done well till now and be proud of that. I would always recommend a new mom to get a good haircut, go for an olive oil massage for the nails or a simple hair spa at home. Engage in a beautician who is willing to deliver services at home at a time that is convenient to you. The accentuation is to feel good as you may be home bound for a few weeks.

One major change is diet. Nutritious food does not mean letting go of your favourite meals. You need more calories as you are nourishing your child. It is certain that you might pile on a few kilos but in a few months you can engage in a fitness regime or try out special exercises to target the flabby areas. Everything is so perfect when you see your baby growing or sleeping blissfully.

Consider a primary relationship in your life where you love someone and they love you. This could be an intimate partnership, a child-parent relationship or a very close friendship. Here are the two things to avoid, if you want to make sure love is present at all times.

Relationship killer #1:

Firstly, you should never expect that because someone loves you, they need to sacrifice themselves for you and put your needs first. We often mistakenly think that the degree to which someone suffers is a testimony for the amount of love they have for us. Likewise, we mistakenly believe that if someone puts their needs first, they don’t love us. But that is not true at all. If I refuse to sacrifice myself for you, it doesn’t mean I don’t love you. It simply means I am clear on what works for me and what doesn’t, and I don’t mess with my own needs. Please don’t take this personal. I love you nonetheless, but I certainly don’t have to suffer in order to prove my love for you. Besides, if you doubt it, chances are no matter how much I suffer, you will never believe me anyway. Get this: your partner having fun while you are in hardship doesn’t mean they don’t love you. The people who love you don’t owe you any suffering on their part whenever things are not working out for you. So don’t be jealous when your loved one is out with friends while you are working hard or cooking alone at home. No one needs to put their own life on hold only because yours is (even when they truly love you!). Of course, you can ask for support. That’s perfectly reasonable. But asking someone to sacrifice themselves and to suffer so you can feel loved – that is totally unreasonable. And it is a sure relationship killer.

Relationship killer #2:

The other way to kill a relationship is by trying to prove your love for someone by sacrificing your own needs and suffering as a consequence. See, whenever you suffer, there is no real love to speak of. If you were doing something for someone because you wanted to and because you loved them unconditionally, you wouldn’t be suffering. But if you sacrifice yourself out of obligation and/or guilt, the unconditional love is gone and you are likely to expect something in return. In other words, you try to manipulate someone into loving you back by doing things for them which they then have to repay you for. Sadly enough, you are playing a game thinking you can control someone else’s feelings and buy their love. Of course, the result is just the opposite – you are slowly but surely killing the relationship. So stop that immediately by starting to put yourself and your needs first. Find your own truth and start honoring it. Understand that you are allowed to have a good time without feeling guilty when your partner does not want to or cannot participate. Of course, you can support them when they are feeling low. But you don’t have to suffer with them or else you will become resentful and kill the relationship as a result.

In conclusion:

Motherhood is a gift and no one could ever take that gift away from you. Before the time of conception, you are being prepared to become the perfect mother to your beloved. Your entire being has been designed to become fit as a mom.

As soon as the baby is born, you would realize that you possess certain characteristics, talents, and abilities that you didn’t know exist hadn’t you become a mother. That is why there is no such thing as incompetent mom, there is however, someone who is just not willing to take on the responsibility.

Whether you have been a mom for a long time already or still about to embark the journey, know for a fact that there’s so many things to love about motherhood. Here are some of the reasons why:

Unending support

Motherhood is not a walk in the park. There will be lots of challenges and roller coaster rides along the way – and this is normal. You would experience occasional bouts of intense emotions or perhaps experience tremendous stress during the first years due to lack of sleep and physical tiredness.

Despite of all the difficulties experience by a mother, it is actually the perfect time to see and know how much support you have around you. Your spouse would be the first one to be there for your needs (especially in the emotional aspect) & your immediate relatives like your own mother will be there to guide you every step of the way, teaching you what and what’s not in raising a child.

This support you’ll receive won’t be at par with the support you experienced in the past, because the support shown to you will have a significant impact to your entire motherhood experience.

Sense of accomplishment

No one said that raising up a child is easy. In fact, there are no shortcuts to it. The complexities of motherhood will what makes it very challenging and exciting for every single mother out there. Once you break through from all the challenges you face, that will be the time you would begin to feel a deep sense of accomplishment for yourself.

A connection with your own child

An opportunity like this does not always come. Being a mother gives you opportunities to see and discover the world of your own flesh and blood and also lets you have a deeper sense of connection with them.

You get to embrace them with your own arms, play with them, talk with them anytime of the day, and even sleep beside them all through the night. Being able to get connected to your own child is a priceless gift that does not happen all the time.

Opportunities to watch them grow

Children don’t stay where they are. They grow to become mature and independent. The opportunity to be able to watch them grow from being an infant down to becoming an adult is truly rewarding. It is even more amazing to think that you will be there in their most promising time to be their number 1 supporter.

As they grow, you begin to see what their interests are and see how those interests evolve to be their strengths and capabilities.

Bundle of Joy

Even in the most trying times, your child can be your ultimate joy and satisfaction. Children are a heritage, a reward, and a blessing to families. Most parents would agree that children can be your source of strength when times are tough, and joy when things go rough.

They will serve as your inspiration in everything you do. In the past all you did was for yourself, but now you get a sense of purpose in everything you do- and all of them for your children. As a parent, you would always want their best interest in mind. And while you busy yourself raising up your child, you will also feel the joy of being their mother.

Motherhood is both hard work and joy. They go hand in hand and that makes it very rewarding. Motherhood may not be for everyone, but to those who have been honed by it, they would be more than willing to share to everyone their experience of motherhood bit by bit.

Coloring pages involve a simple activity that offers lifelong benefits for your kids. As a matter of fact, this simple activity is good for the development of your kids. In fact, coloring sheets or books provide educational tools that help prepare preschoolers. In this article, we are going to take a look at a few major benefits of this activity. Read on to know more.

1. Handwriting Improvement

Kids need good hand strength so that they can use a pencil properly. This will help them hold the pencil the right way, which is important for better handwriting.

2. Coordination between the Eyes and Hands

Basically, coordination skills such as holding the crayons, identifying colors and sharpening the pencils is of paramount importance. Also, with color diagrams, your kids learn to color specific areas, which improves their eye and hand coordination skills. Aside from this, it helps them reduce cognitive loss when it comes to advanced drawing.

3. Patience and Relaxation

Another skill that your kids can learn from coloring pages is patience. With this skill, your kids can learn to relax and be comfortable during the creation of a piece of art. Kids can learn to color different figures and shapes based on their liking. Also, it allows your kids to enjoy a sense of achievement.

4. Focus

Another important lesson that this art teaches is the ability to focus. According to many studies, kids who use coloring pages have better focus skills. As they get older, they can also learn many other skills.

5. Knowledge

Filling colors in different shapes can help your kids identify form, shape, hue, color, perspective and lines. Also, they can identify various patterns as well. Eventually, this helps your kids choose the right colors for the pictures.

6. Confidence

Besides, engaging in this activity on a regular basis helps your kids improve their confidence level. After the completion of coloring sheets, your children can enjoy a sense of achievement. This is important for confidence and self-esteem.

7. Motor Skill

Motor skills are quite important for kids who are growing up. Filling in different shapes helps your kids develop the tiny muscles of their hands, fingers and wrist. Besides, good motor skills are important for your kids to use small objects. So, this is helpful for your kids to do better in school.

Aside from this, coloring is helpful for the development and strength of their hand muscles. This is important for engaging in other activities, such as lifting objects and typing on a computer.

8. Creativity Stimulation

Coloring is an important activity that helps your kids to express their creativeness. What happens is that they visualize something before drawing it on paper. Therefore, you may want buy a set of crayons, give them to your kids and then set them free. It will let your kids think about various color combinations.

In short, these are some important benefits of printable coloring pages that your kids can enjoy if they engage in this activity. Hope this helps.

Studying abroad can be one of the most inspiring and enriching experiences in a person’s life. It opens students up to new experiences, new cultures and new connections, which can enable them to succeed and prosper in the future. However, organising an international education can come with a host of problems and complications. Fortunately for the next generation of wannabe international students, there is a new educational app that can solve these problems and dispel the complications that plague most students’ experiences of studying abroad. Here, we will look into three of the biggest issues with studying abroad and explain how the newly-developed Seeka app can put them to bed.

1. Cost
Most students will be well aware of the cost of studying abroad. Higher education institutions in the UK and the USA already burden their domestic students with staggering tuition fees, but for international students it’s even worse. For certain specialised courses, the tuition fees alone can amount to over $50,000 – and then students also need to work out a way to pay their living costs.
Seeka’s university search engine is specifically designed to remedy this issue. After inputting certain details – including the name of the course you want to study, the level of the degree and the countries that interest you – Seeka will present all of the courses in its enormous database that match your criteria. After this, students can filter their results according to a number of factors, including course cost. This makes it easy for students to find courses that are within their budget. As well as this, Seeka provides its users with an overwhelming range of scholarship opportunities, which students can utilise to make their international studies even more affordable.

2. Visas
Researching, understanding and applying for visas can be a long, exhausting and infuriating experience for students looking to study abroad. Definitive information on visa eligibility requirements is commonly illusive and this can cause students strife during the application progress.
Once again, Seeka is here to help. Information about visas for different countries is easily located through the app and is clearly presented. Links to legitimate websites are included and enable students to find useful information about the eligibility requirements and the application process for different countries. Should a student require further assistance, they can turn to Seeka’s expert educational advisors, who are well-versed in the processes behind university and visa applications. By working alongside an educational advisor, the visa application process loses its tedious and time-consuming nature and becomes just another step towards achieving the study abroad dream.

3. Culture Shock
For students who go to study in a country where the culture and customs are very different to that of their home country, culture shock can be a real problem. Acculturation is something that every international student must go through, however some students find it more challenging than others. For those who are particularly worried about how they will assimilate into their new community, Seeka can help.
Seeka provides its users with heaps of information about each university, city and country that is included in its database. By studying this information and following the links provided by the app, prospective students can get a sense of the culture, customs and laws in different cities and countries. Using this information, students can limit their university choices to only those that have a culture they are comfortable with. Having knowledge about their host country’s customs and laws before they get on the plane will also help international students to quickly become part of the community in their new city.

Referred to simply as the five Mother Sauces, their basic repertoire comprises the better cuisines and can easily be expanded upon to create dozens of sumptuous toppings and foundations for your food (if you know what you’re doing).

In the nineteenth century, a young pâtisserie chef and later a renown French chef Marie Antoine-Carême was the first to organize the French sauces into groups that were based on four foundational basics. Later, French chef Auguste Escoffier added
one more sauce so that there were now five, which he systemized in recipe form in his classic 1903 Le Guide Culinaire.They’re called mother sauces because each one is like the head of its own little special family (is that cute or what?):

+ Béchamel – This is a basic roux whisked with milk, butter and flour to make a white sauce, including Mornay and Cheese sauces;
+ Velouté – A velouté is a light roux whisked with chicken, turkey, fish or any other clear stock;
+ Espagnole – your basic brown sauce made with tomato purée and mirepoix (usually a combination of onions, celery and bell peppers) for deeper color and flavor, including Mushroom Sauce, Madeira Sauce and Port Wine Sauce;
+ Sauce Tomato – classic tomato sauce, the staple in Italian restaurants,plus expanded to include Creole and Provencale sauces;
+ Hollandaise – a rich egg yolk sauce known for topping Eggs Benedict and asparagus (Bernaise sauce is part of this “family”);

These sauces are considered the foundations for many dishes and required learning by culinary students whether they specialize or not. You can be sure any Michelin rated restaurant has a saucier on staff, painstakingly whipping up all five sauces each day like a creative scientist, ready for whatever needs that special addition or smooth creamy topping. Besides his sauces, he (or she) will be simmering stocks from scratch, preparing gravies and soups.

So let’s envision this for a minute. f you are lucky enough to dine in a top-rated restaurant, the sauce which envelopes your filet mignon will have been prepared by a bona fide sauce chef from scratch and will taste like it. If you are dining at the Olive Garden, you will be slurping down their standard tomato sauce (not that there’s anything wrong with it) or a (probably) pre-packaged alfredo sauce. It will taste okay but nothing like it was prepared at a Thomas Keller, Gordon Ramsay or Wolfgang Puck Michelin-rated establishment. You’ll also find sauciers in the kitchens of finer hotels like the Ritz Carlson and the Sofitel. By the same token, don’t expect some line cook at Denny’s to be stirring a pot of homemade Bordelaise red wine sauce for your steak and eggs. The waitress will slap down a bottle of ketchup on your table and ask if there will be anything else (okay, maybe some A-1 for those more discriminating palates).

When all is said and done, in your own kitchen save yourself some big time aggravation and just go to the supermarket, buy a couple of envelopes of Hollandaise sauce, mushroom sauce, brown gravy mix and a jar of tomato sauce and call it a day. You’ll sleep better for sure. And we won’t tell if you don’t.

Author Dale Phillip appreciates a great sauce but reaches for the packaged mixes in her own kitchen, leaving the better concoctions to those highly trained sauce chefs in finer restaurants. Growing up in the Midwest, her mother made great gravies from scratch but they were pretty basic. Back then, unless you were dining in a high end restaurant, nobody gave it much thought as long as it tasted good and looked presentable. She invites you to view her many articles in the Food and Drink categories.

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